Let's save polish forests!
Warszawa, polish capital. Wiejska Street, Parliament House. Dark night or early morning, about 3:00 AM, Dec 18th 2014. Polish Nation is deep asleep - without any warning, that it's exact moment of great fraud in progress. In Christmas time rush, under cover of dark night, in deep secret, Polish Parliament is preparing changes in National Constitution, that will allow sale and privatization of all forests, what until now is owned by nation. It is mostly thirty percent of polish teritory!
Fortunately, to change Constitution, Parliament needs two thirds votes of PMs. As governing coalition has not enough majority, insidious project failed. However, it failed only by five votes… Very close. Too close.
Ruling parties have been trying continually to sell Polish Forests since 2008. Six years already. There is big risk, that at the end, they will take forests. Probability is very high. Here we are talking about huge money. National treasure. Forests unique in whole Europe.
Take a look on the worst scenario. What the disaster will happen when rulers privatize forests:
- end of walking and jogging in the forests,
- end of so popular rest time - picnics and bivouacs,
- end of swimming in the lakes,
- end of most popular in Poland, wild mushrooms collecting,
- also end of collecting different wild berries,
- and at the finish - real end of most forrests, cut down for commercial wood.
After robbery of polish industry, destroying and selling abroad most valuable polish brands, remains only to steal last real property - our forests, that till now are for everybody use and pleasure.
How it will come?
Who will buy polish forests? For sure not ordinary Poles. We have no money for it! Maybe some reachest polititians and oligarchs will buy few hundrets acres just for fun, to have private jungle and organize safari and show other nouveau riche new toy. However - it seems sure - forests will be treated as great source of profit, and as other polish economy sectors will be robbed or destroyed by international competetive businesses. Polish forests will be bought not only by wood and forest industries, but also by reach foreigners and foreign governements creacting ex-teritorial enclaves inside Poland.
Soon, after Polish Forests sale, in few months period, we will see everywhere posts with sign prohibiting entering into forest: “ Private property, trespassing strictly prohibited”. Similar to signs in most Western Europe forests. In next few months sold forests become fenced all around to control people and protect wild game and trees. No mercy here.
What will happen when new forest’s owners start cutting down trees, just becouse it will be profitable? Proper - good and healthy forest is growing up from 40 to 80 years.Cutting down can be done in few days… What kind of ecological and climate changes we can expect when forested teritory starts to vanish? Such interference with ecosystem will lead to naked land like in Greece, and teritorial water problems like in UK.
Save our forests!
Whole Europe and half of the world is full of admiration for Polish Forests. Established by our wise grandparents in the year 1924 whole country forests management “Polskie Lasy Państwowe”, that since then, already 90 years, control and protect all forests in the name and for good of nation is outstanding exemple for many countries.
Possesed by quick and easy money, corrupted politicians, so often immoral and dishonest, who now offer forigners sale of Polish Forests have to be stopped!
To force them back ONLY we can - polish citicens, polish media and international public opinion!
Our action is directed to all of you.nationals! In such important case we must forget about aour syphaties and political differencies. To save our forests we must show our national power. Don’t forget, that rwo and half million voices collected against forests’ privatization, parliament just threw away.
Our action must be spectacular and well publicized. Diversified, both - spontaneous and well organized.
What you have to do?
- Express your support below and let us know your e-mail.
- Forward this information about action to your family, friends and acquaitances.
- "Like us" at social pages.
- Distribute our banners.
- Have you your own blog, internet page, etc? Join us and cooperate
- Already involved in forests protection? Let's join forces!
As much, as possible Poles should stop everydays’ stagnation and strart fight to SAVE POLISH FORESTS! Before will be to late and Poland more destroyed.
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